Long covid might presage a wave of disability claims. Get ready.
Long covid is a looming potential challenge to public health and governments around the world. Long covid, the symptoms that can linger for months or even years after infection with Read More…
It’s never too late to lift weights: Older bodies can still build muscle
This an encouraging article from the Washington Post. Resistance training, especially as we get older, is important to prevent mobility limitations and the loss of muscle mass and strength. Studies Read More…
How To Add Decades To Your Life!
New research points to eight healthy lifestyle habits that could add years to your life. In a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, researchers Read More…
Looking to improve your mental health? Pay attention to birds!
Two studies published last year in Scientific Reports said that seeing or hearing birds could be good for our mental well-being. Here is a link to the article form the Read More…
The speedy scientific workout you can do almost anywhere
A new study shows you can get the benefits of a high-intensity workout by doing five common exercises, no gym or equipment required! Are you stuck for time or space Read More…
Playing For Change – The Weight
Mark Johnson is one of the founders of Playing For Change and I saw him at a conference about 15 years ago. Playing For Change is dedicated to building music Read More…
Apple iOS privacy settings that should be changed now!
Internet privacy is becoming a growing concern these days for people of all ages. Companies track your behavior across websites and sell this information to companies. Here is a great article Read More…
Family Guy Posts a Covid-19 Vaccine PSA
Seth MacFarlane posted a great description of how the Covid-19 vaccine works. Please take a few minutes and watch –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDQuwkJIBaY
Which Covid-19 Vaccine Should I Take?
There has been considerable confusion about which Covid-19 vaccine is the most effective. This video from Vox.com explains how the vaccine efficacy rates can be misleading and that all of Read More…
5 Steps to Crush Covid!
Physical distancing.Wear a mask.Hand hygiene. Limit outings to essentials. Seek and share accurate information. Stay safe everyone. There is light at the end of the tunnel!